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Best Treatment Options for Periodontal Damage

We Are Sydney Dental Implants

At The Dental Practice Burwood

Best Treatment Options for Periodontal Damage

We Are Sydney Dental Implants

At The Dental Practice Burwood

Learn about Gum Disease Treatment Options Available At SDI.

Learn about Gum Disease Treatment Options Available At SDI.

Reverse Periodontal Damage and Reclaim Your Smile through Full Arch Replacement

Periodontal disease can take a significant toll on your gums and overall dental health, impacting everything from your bite to the beauty of your smile. The damage it causes goes beyond just the surface, affecting the very integrity of your teeth and jawbone. Full Arch Replacement offers a transformative solution to this challenge.

What is Periodontitis and How Can It Affect Your Teeth?

Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, is a significant infection that affects the gums and, if left untreated, can damage the tissues surrounding the teeth. This condition has the potential to deteriorate the bone structure that supports the teeth, possibly leading to loosened teeth or even tooth loss.

Despite its severity, periodontitis is a preventable condition. It often results from inadequate oral hygiene. To prevent or increase the success rate of treating periodontitis, it’s essential to maintain good dental care practices. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice daily, flossing every day, and ensuring regular visits to your dentist for checkups and cleanings.

"Understanding the struggle with periodontal damage is at the heart of what we do. Everyone deserves a healthy, confident smile, free from discomfort. Let us guide you on the path to restoring your dental health and reclaiming your smile."

The Risk Of Waiting: Why Prompt Treatment of Periodontitis Is Best!

Neglecting periodontal disease isn’t just about managing gum discomfort; it’s a gateway to more severe dental issues. Delaying treatment for periodontal disease can lead to complications that go far beyond basic gum health. Before opting to postpone treatment, it’s vital to consider these significant risks:

Ongoing gum disease often results in chronic pain and recurring infections, impacting your daily comfort and quality of life.

Unchecked periodontal disease can cause ongoing damage to gums and the supporting bone structure. This deterioration is not just detrimental to your current oral health but can also complicate future dental treatments, including implants.

As periodontal disease progresses, it can lead to tooth loss. Remaining teeth might shift, leading to a misaligned bite and further complications.

Severe gum disease can alter your smile and facial structure. As gums recede and teeth are lost, it can lead to a sunken appearance, affecting your overall facial aesthetics.

Effectively managing periodontal disease not only addresses immediate oral health concerns but also sets the stage for restorative solutions like dental implants, which can rejuvenate your smile to its pre-disease vibrancy and function.

Cost of Treating Periodontal Disease?

The cost of treating periodontal disease in Sydney starts from around $900. However prices can vary significantly based on the severity of the condition and the specific treatments required. In Sydney, basic treatments like scaling and root planing may start from a few hundred dollars, while more advanced procedures like flap surgery, bone grafting, or tissue regeneration can be significantly more expensive, potentially reaching several thousand dollars.

For an accurate estimate tailored to your specific situation, a consultation with a dental professional is essential. During this consultation, they can assess the extent of your periodontal disease and provide a detailed breakdown of the costs involved. Our team is dedicated to working with you to find a treatment plan that fits your oral health needs and budget, ensuring you receive the necessary care for a healthier smile.

Non-Surgical Treatment

FROM $900
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Early Super Release as a payment option
  • Leading Sydney Periodontal Treatment Clinic


Early Super Release As a Payment Option?

We’ve teamed up with SuperCare to assist you in accessing your Super funds through the Compassionate Release of Superannuation (CSR) Program, managed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

  • Simple & Quick!

    Specifically tailored for dental implant procedures, ensuring a seamless, hassle-free experience.

  • Family Coverage!

    The option isn’t just limited to you! Family members can also benefit from this payment option for their dental procedures.

  • Multiple Procedures Covered!

    While our focus is on implants, the program covers a wide range of treatments, such as oral surgery.

Best Implant Options for Teeth Lost Due to Periodontitis

If you’re seeking a solution for teeth lost to periodontitis, dental implants are a dependable and long-term option. They provide a natural sensation, enhanced functionality, and help maintain jawbone health. Below are some of the best implant choices for restoring teeth affected by periodontal disease:

Full Arch Teeth Implants (All-On-4 or All-On-6)

This approach strategically positions four to six implants to support a full arch of teeth, providing an effective solution for extensive tooth loss, often a consequence of periodontal disease.

Compared to traditional implant methods, it uses fewer implants and is notable for its swift procedure, usually accomplished within a single day.

Implant-Supported Overdentures

Implant-supported overdentures, strategically placed to secure a full arch of teeth, offer a dependable option for significant tooth loss, commonly from conditions like Periodontitis.

This method uses fewer implants than traditional approaches and is streamlined for efficiency, often allowing the procedure to be completed in just one visit.

Single Tooth Implant

Individual Dental Implants involve precisely positioning single implants at the site of each missing tooth, providing a targeted and effective restoration, particularly for tooth loss resulting from issues like Periodontitis.

This method focuses on restoring teeth individually, ensuring a natural look and feel with a high degree of functionality.


Certain Health Conditions Impact Eligibility! 

To help you begin this journey and determine if you’re a suitable candidate for dental implants, we invite you to take our 60-second eligibility questionnaire.

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Full Restoration: See Our Patients Transformative Before & After Results

Choosing the right solution for replacing teeth lost to gum disease can be daunting. Yet, witnessing actual patient transformations can be truly convincing. We invite you to browse our gallery showcasing real patients who, under our care, have successfully transitioned to permanent dental implants. Observe the natural and impressive results of our precision dental implant procedures, which offer a durable and functional solution to the challenges posed by gum disease.


Frequently Asked Questions

Gingivitis is the earliest phase of gum disease, marked by redness, swelling, and irritation of the gums around the teeth. Symptoms typically include gums that are tender and may bleed during brushing or flossing. This condition often results from poor dental hygiene practices.

If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to more severe forms of gum disease like periodontitis, potentially leading to tooth loss and more serious oral health issues. Early intervention and proper oral care are crucial to prevent its progression.

The primary culprit behind gum disease is plaque accumulation, a bacteria-laden film that consistently forms on the teeth. If not regularly and effectively removed, plaque can harden into tartar, resulting in gum inflammation and irritation. Contributing factors extend beyond poor oral hygiene, including lifestyle habits like smoking, hormonal fluctuations, conditions like diabetes, certain medications, and genetic predisposition.

These factors can exacerbate the condition, potentially leading to advanced stages of gum disease such as periodontitis, which can cause more severe oral health issues, including tooth loss and bone deterioration.

Gum disease itself is not directly contagious like a cold or flu. However, the bacteria causing gum disease can be spread through saliva, which means it could be transferred to someone else through kissing or sharing eating utensils, especially if they have poor dental hygiene.

Gum disease prevention includes maintaining good oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are also crucial. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and eating a balanced diet also help.

Early stages of gum disease (gingivitis) can typically be reversed with thorough oral hygiene and professional dental treatment. However, more advanced gum disease (periodontitis) requires more complex treatments and cannot always be completely reversed.

Treatment depends on the severity and may include professional dental cleanings, scaling and root planing (a deep-cleaning method), antibiotics, and in severe cases, surgery. Treatment aims to clean out bacteria from the pockets around the teeth and prevent further destruction of bone and tissue.

Yes, one of the common side effects of gum disease is chronic bad breath or halitosis. This is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, particularly in the spaces between the gums and teeth.

Dentists diagnose gum disease by reviewing your medical history, examining your gums, checking for any signs of inflammation, assessing the depth of the pockets around your teeth, and may take dental X-rays to detect any bone loss around your teeth.

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